Friday, April 01, 2011

In Pete's own words:

Well, hi everybody. It's Pete.

I've been wanting to write a blog entry for a while, but usually by the time I get around to it, my nurses and therapists have completely wiped me out for the day. So today, I'm feeling up to it, and here I am.

First and foremost, I have to say thank you to you all for your constant care, thoughts and the help that many of you have given to Rachelle and I during this episode. I am truly touched by the vast outpouring of care and support that has been given us in many, many ways.

Secondly, we had some great news today. Apparently I was the high point of one of my doctor's day today (unfortunately for her it was at 8:30am), when she told me that my creatinine dropped since yesterday. This means that my kidneys are once again filtering at a high enough rate that I am likely done with dialysis.

YEAH!!!! says I!

I will still continue to be monitored in the hospital over the weekend to make sure there is no backsliding and that my electrolytes continue to normalize, but...this was a big boost to my morale and has considerably helped abate my growing cabin fever.

I really have enjoyed the many visits and please continue to come by and say hi. It's been really great to see so many of you.

Thanks again for all the help and support you've given us. It has been most helpful and is greatly appreciated.


P.S. This is not an April Fool's joke!


  1. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I've been keeping an eye on your progress. So glad to see you getting better. So many people are sending you love and good thoughts. Keep up the good work! Cheri Constantino

  2. Anonymous9:27 AM

    It is so good to hear from YOU. I'm glad to hear that your kidneys are getting where they need to be-another answer to prayer!
    Jen Kalmbach

  3. Glad to hear from you, Pete, and it's great that your kidneys have decided to join the party! Keep up the good work.

  4. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Pete, how is it that Hunter Hodge etc knew what was up and I just found out. Reading through this was scary, but nice to see the progress. Wow man, really got to me hearing/seeing this. Glad to hear that progress is being made though. Would like to come see you when i fig out when, quarter starts on wed. Will try to feed that tall self of yours once i know what your diet is about etc.....Richard L
